Memorable Moments
Memorable Moments
The Memorable Moments Bouquet Let our exceptional roses send your special message. Red roses have been known throughout time to symbolize love, passion and romance, This bouquet of a 2 red roses is accented with million stars baby breath and lush greens, arrives in an elegant clear glass vase to provide a special value with a bouquet that conveys your heart’s every sentiment with its simple and sophisticated look. (Vase Included)
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message & a flower food sachet.
Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item such as a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.