A Grand Selection of our brilliant Red Rose’s Bouquet assortment to be enjoyed month after month – Freely select which bouquet you would like to send first or on specific dates and address set to lavish your special recipient, we have selected these elegant bouquets comprising only the finest roses to make the perfect bridge between the two of you as you show them how much you care.
True Romance – € 45.00
On Our Day – € 33.50
Heavenly Red – € 21.00
Total for 3 Bouquets: €99.50
Brought to you for: €91.55
+ Pay 1 delivery and get 2 for free!
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message with every bouquet.
Before purchasing this plan please contact our sales team on: [email protected] /or +356 99512512 as to assist you in creating your order; since you might require specific dates, time, addresses &/or different personal messages.